We think you'll enjoy these related videos below and for more great content featuring your favorite artists, sign up for Fuse+ to access all our videos. Meanwhile, the Queens-bred Bronson-born Arian Asllani-spits confident bars like: "I'm not exactly flawless, but I'm gorgeous just like a horse is / I know the thought of me succeeding makes a lot of people nauseous / Still I'm on the back of the boat taking pictures with the swordfish." It's really and truly a blast. He gained major recognition with his single 'Baby Blue', featuring Chance the Rapper, off his third studio album 'Mr. Chance the Rapper's here to spill silly venom like "I hope every soda you drink already shaken up" and "I hope the zipper on your jacket get stuck" and the unforgivable "I hope there's always snow in your driveway." Action Bronson is an American rapper and former chef. Furthermore, the rapper is currently 104 kilograms and stands tall at 5 feet 7 inches.

The latest taste from the F*ck, That's Delicioushost is "Baby Blue," a peppy piano cut produced by Mark Ronson (peep those "Uptown Funk"–adjacent horns on the outro). Bronson, who is currently 38 years old, has light brown hair and blue eyes.

So far we've heard "Easy Rider," "Actin Crazy" and "Terry," and all signs point to the record being a hip hop standout for the year. SAAAB STORIES Produced by Harry Fraud - EP 2013. Reproduce canciones como 'Brand New Car', 'The Rising (feat.

Blue Chips).IMDB reports Imported Goods (Video short). Wonderful de Action Bronson en Apple Music. Wonderful, Action Bronson's sophomore label album, is right around the corner. Get to know the 39-year old musician, chef, Action Bronson, before he got famous (e.g.